St Andrew’s, Ramsbottom

About St Andrew’s
A Thriving Evangelical Church
St Andrews is located just outside the town centre – if you’re not sure where, we’re just
behind the school at the crossroads near Frank’s Burger’s. We have a decades long
connection with the Evangelical side of the Church of England.
Services at St Andrews are the most contemporary of the team. We meet at 11am every Sunday. We have Holy Communion on the first and third weeks of the month, all age worship on the second week, and morning prayer on the fourth week. We have a strong team of church members who lead, preach, pray and sing, and even more who help out with every
other area of church life.
We have some really good links with our Church School – hosting School services
throughout the year and coming together for our annual Back at School Sunday in September. We also have a weekly drop-in on a Wednesday afternoon for anyone on the school run (or even if you’re not!).
Last but not least, we have a number of home groups which meet regularly in people’s homes and are a great way to share fellowship and grow as disciples of the Lord Jesus.
Long Evangelical history
Loads of ways to grow in your faith
Great links to our Church School
Supporting St Andrew’s
Your Generosity Makes a Difference
The Ramsbottom and Edenfield Team Ministry is blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing in our corner of the world.
We are committed to being places where all can come and know the Lord Jesus for themselves. We believe that this faith then turns us outwards to bless the communities that we’re part of. We’d love it if you’d consider making a either a one-off or a regular donation to the life of the team.
Growing Our Ministry
Through your donations, we are able to grow our ministry throughout Ramsbottom and Edenfield. Work to further God’s kingdom in our locality.
Securing our Future
Your donation’s enable us to secure the future of our team – ensuring that there is a Christian presence blessing our communities for years to come.
Give to St Andrew's
Make a DonationSt Andrew’s Church, Ramsbottom
Bolton St,
Greater Manchester
Email: [email protected]
Service Times
Holy Communion / Sunday Worship: