St Paul’s, Ramsbottom

St Pauls Tower
St Pauls Church Stained Glass

About St Paul’s

A Growing Church

St Paul’s is located in a prime position in the centre of Ramsbottom. With a growing congregation who offer a warm welcome to the many visitors who arrive in town, as well as local people.

Services at St Paul’s are traditional, with alternate weeks of Holy Communion and Family Worship each Sunday at 11.00am. In addition, we also host a Holy Communion BCP service on Tuesdays at 10.30am, which attracts worshippers from a wide area. All services are followed by refreshments.

We have a thriving Sunday school, which currently ranges from 12 months to 12 years. Our Sunday school plays a vital and growing role within weekly services, with a changing focus in line with the ecumenical calendar. We welcome all families to join our lively Sunday mornings!


Weekly Sunday Services for All at 11am


A Thriving Sunday School


Located in the Centre of Ramsbottom

Supporting St Pauls

Your Generosity Makes a Difference

The Ramsbottom and Edenfield Team Ministry is blessed to be a part of what the Lord is doing in our corner of the world.

We are committed to being places where all can come and know the Lord Jesus for themselves. We believe that this faith then turns us outwards to bless the communities that we’re part of. We’d love it if you’d consider making a either a one-off or a regular donation to the life of the team.


Growing Our Ministry

Through your donations, we are able to grow our ministry throughout Ramsbottom and Edenfield. Work to further God’s kingdom in our locality.


Securing our Future

Your donation’s enable us to secure the future of our team – ensuring that there is a Christian presence blessing our communities for years to come.

St Paul’s Church, Ramsbottom


Bridge Street
Greater Manchester

Email: [email protected]

Service Times

Holy Communion / Sunday Worship:

Tuesday BCP Service: